For female managers suffering from overwhelm or imposter syndrome

This is an intensive leadership program that will take female supervisors and managers from

IMPOSTER to EMPOWERED in 12 weeks.

In this program, you'll gain the clarity required to crush imposter syndrome. You'll learn the capabilities you need to lead with confidence. You'll finally earn the respect you deserve. You'll build the credibility to advance your career so you can do more, be more, and earn more!



Enrollment is: OPEN

Taking on a leadership role as a women can be scary and lonely:

Maybe you’ve been promoted recently and are feeling nervous…

The all-too-common “imposter syndrome” is starting to dawn on you as your new responsibilities stack up!
After all, whatever boiler-plate training your company puts you through for this position, it never really prepares you for reality…

Or maybe you have specific problems

and obstacles you’re facing, and no one you trust to go to for help. 

Keeping quiet and suffering in silence is the female leaders go-to. You worked so hard to finally get here. It's not worth the risk to your reputation to admit to your boss or your co-workers that you need help. It's already hard enough to be taken seriously without looking like you don't know what you're doing. 

Being a woman in a leadership position should feel empowering!


All you need is a few new high performance habits and a confident mindset and you're going to be UNSTOPPABLE!  Let someone that’s walked a marathon in your shoes shave decades off your learning curve. 

How about making this leadership thing a little easier on yourself…


You can 100% do this. I'll teach you how!

Meet Your Instructor: Sandy Aquino

 When I was promoted into my first leadership position back in 1994, times were very different. There were not very many women in leadership roles. You could find some women in lower level management jobs, but few examples out there of really successful female executives to try to imitate. 

So, naturally, I found myself imitating the leadership styles of the men considered successful around me. That got me by for a decade or so, but they were data-driven, emotionally barren, directive-barking men who thrived on power and authority. I couldn't sustain it. That's just not who I am.

When I was confident enough to begin to be my authentic self and the leader I knew I could be people began to respond to me differently. My staff worked harder, they wanted to make me proud, they asked to learn more and to take on progressive responsibilities. The work got done, but we enjoyed doing it.

I created my own structure, techniques and tools that I still use today. These are my secret weapons. Employees now follow me from company to company because they like the way they feel when they work for me. They know where they stand at all times. They have trust, transparency and accountability. There is consistency so they always know what to expect. 

Let me cut decades off your learning curve. There is absolutely no need to figure it out for yourself. Learn from someone who has walked a marathon in your shoes. There is no reward for being a martyr in corporate America. Let's do this together. 


Enroll Today for


12-week intensive leadership program

This is a 12-week leadership program designed to help women in supervisor and manager positions overcome imposter syndrome, lead with confidence, and advance their careers

It works because I’ve compiled only the best, most effective strategies from my 31 years of real-life experience leading, developing and mentoring people in corporate America. These strategies have been consistently proven over and over for decades by myself and my most successful employees.

It’s different than other programs because it’s focused not only on the leadership and technical training, but it also incorporates a deep focus on helping WOMEN navigate the cultural landscape of the male-dominated corporate workplace. I get right to the heart of the issues holding women back and unlock years of limiting beliefs preventing them from reaching their full potential.

Click the link below to ENROLL NOW, or if you're still not sure about it, book a 30 minute call with me to discuss if the program is right for you.

You need this program If you've recently found yourself:

✅  in tears because your job is just too hard or too stressful

✅  overwhelmed and not sure how other people do it so well while you continue to struggle

✅  thinking "I'm not good enough or smart enough", "I'm never going to figure this out", or "why would people listen to me?"

✅  not being respected, valued, or taken seriously because you're a woman

✅  ready to quit!

I don’t want you to continue suffering for one more minute. Make a conscious choice to take charge of your life and your career today, but do it now, I only have a few spots left open for this month's enrollment.

HURRY, the program price is going up for next month's enrollment!


What exactly does the program cover?


Crushing Imposter Syndrome





The Cure for Overwhelm


Effective Communication


Coaching & Motivating


Handling Difficult Situations


Building Strong Workplace Culture


Demystifying Data & Analytics


 Email Basics


MS Word & Power Point Basics


MS Excel Basics


Networking & Community

Here is the deal!

This program is just getting started and it's still a work in progress.

I need your help to make this course the best it can be and give me feedback along the way!

FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, we’re offering it at a MASSIVE discount for these early members if they give us feedback and a testimonial at the end :)

How it works:

Enroll today at the deeply discounted, limited-time rate!

Complete 1 module per week & attend the weekly live coaching calls with Sandy

Provide feedback to improve the program & leave a testimonial of your transformation!

Enroll Today for


12-week intensive leadership program

This program is different from all the rest of the leadership trainings on the market because I train on The 3 T's:

1️⃣  TACTICAL Training 

The leadership training your company never gave you when they promoted you into your supervisor/manager role.

2️⃣  TECHNICAL Training 

The technical & analytical training that will not only make your job 100x easier, but will also make you a stronger candidate in the next interview pool.


The leadership skills alone won’t solve the imposter syndrome and the overwhelm that’s at the root of your problem. I’ll teach you how to get out of your own way, overcome the negative self-talk, believe you are worthy, navigate the corporate boy’s club, and build a better workplace culture for all of your employees.


This program includes 12 pre-recorded working modules that build upon the one before it. You'll complete exercises during the trainings that you can immediately implement with your teams. 

Group coaching is provided weekly to keep you on track and accountable. 

This program is FOR you IF: 

👉 You are a supervisor or manager of people, or want to be soon

👉 You are feeling overwhelmed

👉 You think you're not good enough, smart enough, or connected enough

👉 You're in over your head and you're just barely able to keep your head above water

👉 Your company does not provide the necessary leadership training for you to be successful. 

👉 OR, you manage supervisors/managers and want to learn how to effectively train them


This program is NOT FOR you IF: 

👉 You're not in a leadership role and don't want to be soon

👉 You are already a rockstar leader

👉 You have no issues with confidence

👉 You're not stressed or overwhelmed

👉 Your company has a professional, developmental leadership training curriculum.