Hi there! I'm Sandy Aquino
I'm a long time corporate executive turned high-performance coach, and I'm on a mission to give the next generation of women what I never had - an advantage.
I've been transforming average managers into extraordinary leaders in the consumer finance space for over 20 years, and now I'm bringing that curriculum to YOU!
I'm sharing my proven promotability framework that if followed, will have you climbing that ladder in no time.
After struggling for every win and fighting my way up every rung in that ladder in a very male-dominated industry, one day my whole life changed.
How, you ask? Simple. I attended a women's leadership conference. I had low expectations and had no inclination that I would come out the other side an absolutely changed person.
It was 2 days of being surrounded by women just like me. Women who had been through exactly what I'd been through. Women who had the same fears and desires as me. Women who felt like they were alone on their journey too. It was like I was breathing completely different air than I ever had before.
It filled my soul. I felt like I had found my people.
And I want that for you!

It was truly liberating to know I wasn't alone and to feel so seen and heard, but it was only for 3 days a year.
I needed that energy, that support, that FUEL every day of the year.
The women that entered my life during those few days each year since have proven to be some of the most important influences of my career. So I thought, "why not give women a safe place to surround themselves with the most supportive, encouraging and uplifting women all year round?", and just like that......
Proximity Leadership Network was born!
I want to give all women in leadership the leg up I never had by providing them proximity to other powerful women who are on the same journey, who may be one step ahead of them and can save them years of silent suffering and anguish.
You never have to feel alone again. You are safe here, and free to be vulnerable with no fear of repercussion or being seen as weak or "too emotional".
Ready to take your career to the next level
and find YOUR people?
Get Started TODAY!